APPG hears from experts on the role of the ocean in the UK's Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Strategy

The APPG for the Ocean was delighted to be joined today by Dr Chris Pearce from the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), McPherson from Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and Dr Will Le Quesne from the Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), to discuss the role of the ocean in the UK's Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Strategy. 

Our APPG members heard insightful updates from the experts regarding the ongoing UK and International efforts to identify and support Small Island Developing States at risk from the effects of climate change and sea level rises. While it was encouraging to be updated on exciting initiatives such as the Blue Belt Programme. The APPG also discussed the consistent barriers faced, including the need for sustained funding and the access to identifying existing networks and research.

During the meeting, the APPG and stakeholders explored the ways in which oceanographic research can help us understand and anticipate the changes of the ocean and its effect on SIDS, the technical assistance provided, and the reality of the scale of loss and damages SIDS may face. Importantly, we also explored the role of the ocean as part of the solution, for example through the significant opportunities presented in the blue economy. 

The International Development Committee Inquiry Report previously examined the UK's Small Island Developing States Strategy, and we were delighted to hear the support for many of the report’s recommendations, including those put forward by the APPG for the Ocean. We look forward to the Governments response to the Inquiry and the next steps to implement the Small Idland Developing States Strategy.


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