APPG for the Ocean hold lunch to mark release of ‘Turning the Tide on Climate Change’report
To release the latest inquiry report published by the APPG for the Ocean, The Ocean: Turning the Tide on Climate Change, the APPG for the Ocean held a lunch roundtable in Parliament today.
This was an informative and productive discussion on the key recommendations of the report, the current research on blue carbon habitats, the co-benefits of blue carbon for coastal communities and the future of blue carbon research.
The lunch was a fantastic opportunity to bring together parliamentarians, industry and academics, on how to work in partnership to ensure that blue carbon solutions to climate change are realised. The APPG for the Ocean was pleased to welcome parliamentarians, including APPG members, and Chair Sally-Ann Hart MP and representatives from the National Oceanography Centre, Blue Marine Foundation, Marine Biological Association, University of Oxford and British Antarctic Survey.
Many thanks to all who attended and please find further information about the report here.